Minimalism: A documentary that makes you ponder

“Imagine a life with less: less stuff, less clutter, less stress and discontent…Now imagine a life with more: more time, more meaningful relationships, more growth, contribution and contentment…” - This is how the film starts... Every now and then, this documentary would pop up on my YouTube recommended videos list, but I deferred every single …

Vijay Sethupathi starrer Maharaja is a brilliant script on the big screen living up to the audiences’ expectation

The recent trend of movies that are coming out of both the Malayalam and Tamil movie industries is setting the benchmark for Indian movies. Film critic Shubhra Gupta opines, "Each film is a testament to its time," and rightly so. If we are to study the movies made in Hindi in the last decade, we …

Relevance of the United Nations and challenges to the concept of multilateralism

Multilateral platforms are the upshot of marathon negotiation between nations which on the odd occasion takes decades before it comes into effect. Often these consortiums are found at the crossroads of criticism and praise for the types of work they do. Photo: Pinterest The Indian Prime Minister in a pre-recorded video, addressing the 75th anniversary …

Has the Congress become floccinaucinihilipilificated?

It is one of the many quake that Congress suffered in the recent past under the leadership of Rahul GandhiJyotiraditya Scindhia's exit should be the last lesson for the Congress' introspection to avoid the complete elimination from India's political scenario. Indian National Congress is on the verge of a complete breakdown. Senior congress leader Jyotiraditya …

Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2019: The Controversial Legislation.

Citizenship (Amendment) Bill, 2019 is amending the Citizenship Act, 1955 to give citizenship to the religious minorities of three neighbouring countries of Bangladesh, Pakistan and Afghanistan where they have faced religious persecution. It constitutes non-Muslims of six religious communities namely Hindu, Sikh, Christian, Parsi, Buddhist and Jains; contrary to the fact that India doesn't have …

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